febrero 28, 2020

Dr. Hernan M.R. Giannetta (English version)


Laboratory Tutorial: Graphene Oxide Synthesis

Graphene oxide (GO) is a material widely investigated today, and is made up of layers of functionalized graphene with oxygenated groups, which are synthesized from oxidation and chemical peel of graphite. The GO has a large surface area, is suitable for use in composite materials, and can be reduced to obtain lower cost graphene and high volumes. In this tutorial a chemical synthesis of GO will be carried out step by step and various practical applications for this material will be discussed.

Summary Background

Hernan Giannetta is an Electronic Engineer graduated from the National Technological University (UTN) Regional Buenos Aires and obtained his Master’s Degree from the ALARI Institute (ETH Zurich, Politecnico di Milano) of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Switzerland. In 2017 he received his PhD in Engineering from UTN.BA, where his thesis referred to the microfabrication of tunable infrared image sensors based on graphene monolayers. These developments were carried out both at the Bicentennial Micro and Nanoelectronics Center at INTI, as well as at the Barcelona Microelectronics Center (CNM-IMB) in Spain during three scientific stays. In the laboral aspect he count with 15 years of experiences in multinational companies, both in the country and abroad, where he worked in various areas of electronics, such as Siemens Dematic Research and Development (R&D) laboratories in Milano , Italy. Actually he is Associated Professor at the National Technological University and CONICET Postdoctoral Fellow in the Nanoelectronics Laboratory (UIDI-CONICET / UTN.BA). His current interests are MEMS / NEMS Micro / Nanosystems and Nanorobotic.