Summary Background
Dr. Julio Raba is a Biochemist who graduated from the National University of San Luis (UNSL). He also received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the UNSL in 1990. He is currently Profesor Titular and Investigador Superior at CONICET in the Area of Analytical Chemistry. He was a visiting professor at Oklahoma State University in the United States (1993-95). He was president of DOSPU (Direction of Social Work for University Personnel). He was elected six times Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacy (FQByF) of the UNSL. His research area includes Bioanalytics (it is one of the precursors of this science in Argentina), within it the nanobioanalytic and the development of biosensors for clinical applications, food safety and environmental, this work has been awarded several times for its implementation and transfer, highlighting among them the “Argentine Dupont CONICET” award in 2007, 2013 Pre-Seed Award from the Argentine Nanotechnology Foundation, 2013 Nanomercosur Prize for the dissemination and dissemination of nanoscience and nanotechnology, SENASA Award in 2014. Dr. Raba has lectured in numerous countries in South America, Italy, Spain, the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and India, among others, has directed 20 doctoral theses, is the author of three invention patents and has published more than 150 papers in international journals.
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