Summary Background
Dr. Mariela F. del Grosso is a physicist who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She also received a Ph.D. in Science and Technology of Materials from the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) in 2006. She is currently researcher at Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Profesor Titular at UTN/FRGP and Investigador Independiente at CONICET in the area of Materials Engineering. Also is Member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Master in Science and Technology of Materials, Sabato Institute, UNSAM-CNEA. Her research area is focused in materials (polymers, alloys, ceramics) modifications using highly energetic ions and nanoparticles for biological applications, this work has been awarded in 2017 by the Nanomercosur Research Prize in Applied and Nanotechnology Development.
Dr. del Grosso has directed five PhD theses, and four final graduate theses and has published several papers at international journals. For more data visit: http://www.sicytar.mincyt.gob.ar/buscacvar